Homemade Vegan Pasta Recipe

This is a super simple homemade vegan pasta recipe:

  • 2 Cups of Flour
  • 1/2 Cup of Water
  • 1/2 Tsp of Salt

Pour the flour onto a cutting board and make a well in the middle. Add the water and salt into the middle and carefully mix it together. Then kneed the dough until it is springy.

Use a pasta maker like this one to roll out the dough.

Let the dough rest for no more than four hours in the fridge. When you’re ready take it out and use the machine to flatten the dough to make ravioli or cut it into smaller pieces for spaghetti.

Here’s my hubby and daughter using the machine. I’ll get a better photo later!

making vegan pasta homemade

This homemade vegan pasta recipe is so easy to make and I absolutely LOVED the ravioli recipe, vegan, below!

Homemade vegan pasta recipe – Ravioli!

This was so delicious!


  • Vegan pasta dough
  • Vegan cheese
  • Pesto
  • Fresh Basil

Roll out the dough in the pasta machine. Cut one big piece of flattened dough in half and then lay out the bottom half. Use a tablespoon to scoop out the middle filling for your ravioli of the vegan cheese. Put a small scoop of pesto on top. When you’ve completed all the filling get a little container of water and a small brush (or use your finger) to put water along all the remain pasta. Just a little bit of water so that the top and bottom pieces stick together.

Then, put the top sheet of vegan pasta dough onto the bottom. You’ll have your filling pieces and you’ll want to cut out each ravioli piece into a square. Then, take a fork and create edges along your ravioli, like this:

vegan ravioli pasta dough

Cook in boiling water for 2-4 minutes.

Top with your favorite pasta sauce or toppings. I topped mine with pesto and basil and it was so tasty!

Here’s the raw vegan pasta:

raw vegan pasta before being boiled and served

Here’s the finished dish:

homemade vegan pasta recipe dish with basic and pesto

When I first became vegan I did wonder… Is all pasta vegan?

The truth is not all pasta is vegan. The dry pasta in the grocery store is usually vegan – made with flour and water. That’s not including the “fresh” pasta, which usually is not vegan. So definitely check any package you purchase to be sure. Or use the recipe above to make your own vegan pasta!

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